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Aileron trim effects ailevators - there should be an option to NOT trim 23 Feb 2023 06:08 #1

  • andypnz
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Hi. If you have a model with optional ailevators (switchable on / off) and have some aileron trim in place - when you switch ailevators on you want the aileron trim to NOT also trim the ailevators. Even using different flight modes does not avoid any trim present still effecting the ailevators. All models always have some aileron trim...... But you really want the ailevators to NOT carry aileron trim.... (unless of course it is a model with no ailerons and just ailevators - in which case you do want this trim :-))
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Aileron trim effects ailevators - there should be an option to NOT trim 23 Feb 2023 10:47 #2

  • cpt_volker
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With the normal ailevator-function the online way to switch the function is via flightmodes. There is, as far as I know no chance to eliminate the ailerontrim from the elevators.
Why not creating a new function „Ailevator“ with aileronstick as input. Therafter a switchable mixer ailevator to elevator. Should work I guess ;-)



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Aileron trim effects ailevators - there should be an option to NOT trim 23 Feb 2023 12:26 #3

  • andypnz
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Yes, a free mix is a 'work around'.

But 'most' models using ailevator the ailevator is not the only source of roll control - so better Jeti gives the option of 'no ailevator aileron trim active' so the user can decide for themselves which flight modes the trim is active, and which it is not.....

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